Monday, October 1, 2012

First Steps - Day 1

do you know who you are in Christ?  i think many of us walk around with this crazy idea we were taught from our parents that we just need to believe and it is all going to be okay.  have you ever really looked at what the bible says about who we are suppose to be in Christ.  have you ever really looked and defined what it is Christians are supposed to do?  if you have, what is it you are doing everyday?  it's crazy to think about it in those terms...

some of us are not doing our job, but i can assure you Jesus did and is doing His...

Day 1 - October 1, 2012

Spend 15 minutes studying God's word and find out what you are supposed to do.

Write down 5 key principles you feel Jesus commands us to do.  You may want to use key words to look these up or maybe you know exactly what it says.  If you can, please put the scripture in your response.  It's important that we understand why we are who we are in Christ before we move forward on any journey......

An old steamboat was out in the middle of the river just tugging along when all of a sudden a strange noise came from the boiler room down in the belly of the ship.  The captain really didn't know or had never heard this weird sound before.  It was obvious something had gone wrong because the were not moving forward any longer...  He rushed down into the belly of the ship and stood in disbelief as he stared at the engine not working.  His only thought was this is not good and how much is this going to cost me?  He called several steamship mechanics and none of them were able to fix the problem.  All of them had the same answer of "I have never seen anything like this..."  There was one old mechanic that was a last choice on the Captains list.  He finally talked to him and asked if he would come and take a look at his ship.  The old mechanic came on board and asked the Captain to fire up the engine.  After only a few seconds, he heard the strange noise that every other mechanic could not explain.  He quietly walked over to his bag of tools and pulled out a very small hammer.  Walked quietly over to a large pipe the carried the smoke out of the boiler to the cool air above releasing it into the sky.  He took his hammer and made two distinct and very hard hits to the pipe.  After the second strike, the engine purred  like a new machine.  In disbelief, the captain looked at the old mechanic and thanked him.  Told him to send him a bill and all would be settled.  In the upcoming weeks, a bill arrived from the old mechanic. The captain was amazed when he saw the balance owed. It simply stated:

$2.00 for labor
$1000.00 for knowing where to hit the hammer

God knows where to hit us and make us work again.  Are you ready to do what he tells us to do? As we look at our families, do we want them to know what God says we are supposed to do? The first step in knowing where to hit is finding out what we are supposed to do....

Let me know you thoughts on this quiet time.... you can respond to this blog or you can email me at




  1. #1: Present our bodies as a living sacrifice-Romans 12:1
    #2: Do not be conformed to this world-Romans 12:2
    #3: Be transformed by the renewal of your mind-Romans 12:2
    #4: Be salt & light on the earth-Matthew 5:13-16
    #5: Don't love in word or talk but in deed and in truth-1 John 3:18

  2. I loved this Justin. You have to do more than just read God's have to study it. I wish I was more like the old mechanic!

  3. Love God with everything I have... Matthew 22:36

    Love others more than me....Matthew 22:39

    Love my wife.....Ephesians 5:25

    Be salt and light......Matthew 5:16

    Be weak......2 Corinthians 12:10

  4. 1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength Mark 12:30

    2. Love your neighbor as yourself. Mark 12:31

    3. Love our brothers and sisters in the church the way Christ has loved us. John 13:34-35

    4. Love my wife sacrificially Ephesians 5:25

    5. Bring my children up in the training and instruction of the Lord Ephesians 6:4
