Saturday, October 27, 2012

the NITTY GRITTY!!! - Day 27

Day 27

I hope everything is going well for you in this process.  We are going to take one more step towards completion.  After this, we will take our normal Sunday off.  You may even need to take the 2 days to get ready to move forward.

In the career I am in, I speak to people and groups several times a year.  We always try and get them to tell us what it physically looks like to accomplish their tasks?  What is it going to take?  What is the sacrifice?  We have to ask the hard questions in order to get the right answers.

Before you move on, you need to ask yourself if you are willing to do this?  My hope is you will stay with it and see God move in your home.  You never know what will happen when you ask the right questions and get the right answers.   I will be the first one to tell you this is hard and sometimes very difficult.  If it changes your family, is it worth it?  I think we would all say yes!

Next move:

Get your papers out.  You should now have Objectives with Initiatives under them.  We are now going to ask the questions and put the meat on the bone.  Our job now is to really flesh out our goals and make sure they are going to be feasible.  We want to make sure we can accomplish our task at hand.

Section 3: Step 1

You now have objectives with their initiatives under them.  We are now going to make sure of 3 things for each initiative.

1.  What will it take? - Sacrifice
2.  How will we make sure it happens? - Commitment
3.  Who will own this? - Responsibility

Before you go any further, understand, some of your initiatives may or may not be able to answer these questions.  If they can't, chances are they could be combined or maybe it is not really an initiative.

I have given you examples of what it should look like.  This is the part where most people have several questions. I want you to know, I am available to help at any time and for anything you need.

Remember, if you have written down your answers from the challenges in the previous blogs, you have everything you need to continue to move forward.

Who We Are:

Objective 1: Church member at Trinity Baptist

  • Always make time to attend as a family
  1. Making sure we are always together on Sunday morning - Sacrifice
  2. Commit as a family to attending together and teach our children the importance of this. - Commitment
  3. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

  • Continue to help out with the kids activities at church
  1. Being available with our schedules and possible baby sitting arrangements. - Sacrifice
  2. Commit to the Youth Minister we are available to help and explain to our kids why we want to be there. - Commitment
  3. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

  • Make sure our children know we are always going to church
     *this is one of the initiatives that can be combined with the first one above...

What We Need To Do Better:

Objective 1: Family Devotions

  • Decide how many days a week we want to do them.
  1. Identify which day is best for us and the devotion we will use. - Sacrifice
  2. Commit to 1 day a week. - Commitment
  3. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

  • When will we start?
  • Where do we find a devotion that will speak to all our children?
     *these can be combined with the one above because they are both covered above.

These are just examples to help you figure out how you should start putting action to your plan...

Remember everything we do should always tie back to the following....

whats the mission of Christians?

Jesus left us here so we can bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ...Glorifying God in all things...fulfilling the Great Commission...Worship him daily...the list goes on and on...

2 Corinthians 5: 20

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ's behalf: be reconciled to God."

anything we come up with for our action plan needs to tie back into Christ's overall spending an eternity with him...

Please take your time with this and make sure you understand what you are doing.  If you would like to contact me, please feel free to respond to the blog or email me at

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