Monday, October 15, 2012

Who knows? -Day 15

Day 15

at 6 years old, my father, since i was so mature for my age, bought me a Co2 pistol for Christmas...(those of you who know me can sense my sarcasm)...i would go on long extravagant hunts for any type of wild bird or frog that would sit still long enough for me to get the sights lined up on them as a target...most of the time, they would fly or jump away into safety as i tried to put the smack down on them...

one cold day i decided i was going to kill a bird...with my cat like reflexes, i moved as if a lion on the safari plain to get a good view of my prey...there were 2 birds sitting on the high line wire close to the road...i will never forget how nervous i was as i put the sights on my target and pulled the trigger...watching the bird fall to the ground after penetrating its skull with a bb was a very weird i walked up to see my kill, i was shocked to find out what i had done...i had shot one of the only birds which were off limits to any presley child...the famous mocking mother had told me not to shoot her precious mocking birds and if i did, i would be in for it...i decided to take the body and dispose of the remains before my mother knew what i had done...i remembered a piece of sheet metal that had been laying on the ground under the trees...i then took my kill and made sure no one would ever know what happened...i hid prize, my accomplishment, and my work all hidden for no one to see...

as i sat in church this morning, i listened to rusty fuller, our pastor, talk about how we have allowed our faith to be hidden...many of us have been given an awesome gift by God and we have chosen to use it for your friends know you are a Christian...does your family know if you died today, you would meet God...or is that not the fact...

maybe your friends think you are just like them...maybe your family hasn't ever thought about if you know God or not...have we just gotten to a point where we are so comfortable in our life, God has taken a backseat...why is it we have hidden the most important piece of our lives...why is it we don't want people to know we pray or worship's like rusty said this morning, we have become a secret society of Christians...we don't want anyone to know about our secret life...sometimes that means even our own parents and leaders in our homes, we are setting the future for our families to live out...


Read Matthew 28:18-20 and make it personal...

  • what are we supposed to do
  • where are we supposed to go
  • what are we supposed to teach 

Challenge 2:

Write down 5 people you will tell today you are a Christian and why it is important to you...


the most awesome experience happened when i told my mom i killed one of her mocking was like a weight lifted off my shoulders...

maybe you are carrying around too much and you need to let the whole world know, YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN!!!!

who knows, if we would all stand together as Christians, we may see the world become a better place and it all starts in our homes....

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