Sunday, October 21, 2012

Sunday FUNDAY - Day 21

Day 21

i don't know if you have been following from the beginning or just joining us on our is my hope and prayer you and your family are benefitting from this blog...just so you know, i really appreciate all of you helping me develop something that hopefully turns into something bigger than any of us...i hope today you are leading your family in worship in some form whether at home or at church...

let's get to today's blog...including your family in what you love to do is so much fun...last year i had the opportunity to take both of my kids hunting with me and it was a great time for all of us...unlike i thought, they were both very eager to wake up at the crack of dawn and get all dressed up for the woods..they really liked painting their faces with camo paint...i don't think they enjoyed setting still and quiet for a few hours, but i knew going into it, we would be leaving early...i don't even like sitting still and quiet for too long...they both got to see me and my brother take a deer...they both got to see the process of preparing the meat and checking the deer in at the check station...they were introduced to something that i love to do and if they fall in love with it too, we can do it together...

(just fyi, parker took his first deer shortly after this pic and we are looking forward to faith getting her's this year...)


Include your family in something you love to do...i don't know what that is, but i am sure you can use this as an excuse to do something you love...

Challenge 2:

Explain to them the reason you love to do this...the time you spend with them will be worth more than anything we could ever buy them...all they want is our attention....

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