Friday, October 12, 2012

Are you in or out? - Day 12

Day 12

my oldest daughter, Faith, was so proud when we went to get her at the Cornerstone Kids Ranch and she had accepted Jesus as her personal Lord and Savior...i remember her running up to me and telling me what she had done and how excited she was...i remember sitting down with her and explaining the obedience she would need to follow in baptism...God knocked on her hearts door that day and asked her if she was "in or out' and she decided to be "in"...and God took her prayer and she got "in"....

2 weeks later, i had to ask myself the same question...Parker and i were driving home from the donut shop saturday morning...the next day Faith was getting baptized...he started asking me about being saved an what it all meant...i asked him to explain it to me...he totally understood what it meant and how to go about it...i asked him if he had thought about talking to mrs. wendy or maybe the preacher...just thinking that was what he should do because that was what i son looked at me and said,"dad, i just thought i could pray with you and just do it with you"....

that's when i heard God's voice in my heart say, "are you in or out?".....

as parents and leaders in our home, we are supposed to be the ones teaching our children about faith and many cases, we are allowing other people who were "called" to do that "type" of work to do it for us...many of us are not spiritual leaders at all....what's crazy is,  we forget that it is our responsibility to teach our children about Jesus and our kids are looking at you for answers and we don't know what to say or do....

Hebrews 5 tells us:

"in fact, though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you the elementary truths of God's word all over again.  you need milk, not solid food.."


  • ask yourself the question, "am i in or out?"
  • pray about the answer
  • write down what you feel a spiritual leader in the home needs to do...

i had to tell God that day, i was sorry for not being "in" and not being the leader in my home i needed to wife and i had the privilege of leading, our son, Parker to Christ in our living was a moment we will never forget...

are you in or out?????  i don't know what it will take for you, but it was a hard question to answer for me and it took me a few weeks to finally give the answer God needed....

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