Friday, October 26, 2012

Time for Action... - Day 26

Day 26

Most families haven't written down any type of plan for their family.  More than likely, you haven't thought about it.  If you are like we were, you are just making it day to day without a plan.  I know in our family, my wife wants a plan for everything.  She likes to know exacts about times and dates.  I, on the other hand, would rather fly by the seat of my pants and just have fun and play the whole time.  There has to be a middle ground.  We are all programmed differently.  We all have a plan and it is just that.  It's "Our" plan.  This process you are going through will help you understand in a family, there is more than just your ideas and plans to take into consideration.    

I know some of you who are staying with me to the end and completing this process had a very engaging and challenging conversation as you sat down and answered the topics I gave you to brainstorm over.  You should have identified the top 3 -5 answers in each of the 3 categories.  These answers will now be your Objectives.  Objectives are the core of your family action plan.  Today, we will set the Objectives for your Family Action Plan.  Remember everything we put in our action plan must tie back to the mission for us as Christians.

whats the mission of Christians?

Jesus left us here so we can bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ...Glorifying God in all things...fulfilling the Great Commission...Worship him daily...the list goes on and on...

2 Corinthians 5: 20

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ's behalf: be reconciled to God."

anything we come up with for our action plan needs to tie back into Christ's overall spending an eternity with him...

Section 1:  Step 1 - Brain Storm ideas (no wrong answers)

1.  Things we do good naturally - Who we are...

2.  Things we need to work on - What we need to do better...

3.  Things we want to do & already are doing - Where we are headed...

Section 2:  Step 1

On a piece of paper make 3 category headings.  Use the new headings in Section 1.  Leave enough room to write underneath each heading.  Once you have the headings changed, these will become your 3 areas of focus.

Once you have the headings on the paper, take the top 3-5 top answers you and your family agreed upon and put them under their new headings.  Leave room to write under each objective.  This will be the next step.

Heading 1:  "Who we are":

These objectives should define what you do naturally as a family.  These objectives should be a constant in your family at all times.  How you act towards one another or maybe a characteristic each of you exhibit in your own special way.  

Write your  3- 5 top answers placed under the heading.  Give yourself enough room to write your initiatives under each objective.

Heading 2:  "What we need to do better":

These objectives should be areas of improvement for us to work on as a family.  These objective should make an improvement in getting God in the center of your home.  What can you do to make sure God is at the center of your home.

Write your  3- 5 top answers placed under the heading.  Give yourself enough room to write your initiatives under each objective.

Heading 3: "Where we are headed":

These objectives should be anything you would like to see in the future for you family.  These objectives should be wishes and dreams for our families.  Where does your family want to be in the near future and 5 years down the road.

Write your 3-5 top answers place under the heading.  Give yourself enough room to write your initiatives under each objective.

Section 2: Step 2

Now you should have 3-5 objectives in 3 different categories.  Now the fun begins.  You are about %25 of the way done.  We will now start to put feet to the legs of our hopes and dreams.  We will now start the process of adding initiatives or action items to our objectives.

Remember, as we go through this process, everything must tie back to the overall mission of Christians.

Under each objective, start writing how you will accomplish these objectives.  You may want to ask yourself, "how can we do this"..."what is it going to take"..."what will we need in order to do this"...

Heres what it looks like...

Who We Are:

Objective 1:

Church member at Trinity Baptist
  • Always make time to attend as a family
  • Continue to help out with the kids activities at church
  • Make sure our children know we are always going to church

What We Need To Do Better:

Objective 1:

Family Devotions

  • Decide how many days a week we want to do them
  • When will we start?
  • Where do we find a devotion that will speak to all our children?

These are just examples to help you figure out how you should start putting action to your plan...

Continue this for all your objectives.  As you move forward, the process will begin to go easier and easier.  This is so gratifying when you know how this will change you family's lives forever....

Make sure you always look at what you want to do and make sure it ties back into the mission for us as Christians...

Please take you time on this and make sure you have enough information to work.  

The only way you plan will work is if you work your plan.....

if you have any problems or questions, i am here to help...

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