Thursday, October 18, 2012

the Boat we are in.... Day 19

Day 19

there was a storm on the sea and all the disciples were wasn't just any storm, it was a big one...massive waves crashing their boat...rain seemed like it was just being poured from the heavens...the men closest to Jesus were out in the sea all by themselves as Jesus was praying on the mountain...they were scared...i mean really scared...during the fourth watch, which is like 4:00 a.m., they were hanging on for dear life and someone starts rubbing their eyes and thinking there is something on the water...they are all wondering what it is...they think it is a ghost or their one can walk on water...then out of the darkness, they hear the voice of someone they know..."it is I, do not be afraid..."then from the boat, peter hollers at whoever is on the water, "Lord, if it is you, then let me come to you..." the voice reply's with one word,"come."

peter steps out of the boat and as his feet met the water it felt like solid ground...he was standing on water...i am sure the other disciples were amazed at this incredible miracle unfolding before one had ever walked on water he walked to Jesus though, something happened...he took his eyes off of Jesus...we all know what happened next, he he cried out to Jesus to save him, the bible tell us that Jesus was right there to lift him up and he said to him, "ye of little faith, why did you doubt?"

now, most people look at the fact that peter sank and the reason for this story...i however, do not...i look at this story completely different...i feel this story applies to us as parents who are trying to do something we may or may not have done before...putting Christ in the center of our homes....Faith in Family...

let me explain my thoughts....

number 1:

peter got out of the boat...i don't care that he sank...he got out of the boat...he was the only one that chose to go to Jesus...he stepped out of the boat and he was different from everyone else...he was willing to go where no one had ever gone before...he was willing to test God's power...he was the only one that got of the boat...

number 2:

peter walked on my knowledge, other than Jesus himself, no human has ever done this before or after peter...he got to do something because he believed...he got to do something none of us will ever get to do...he stepped on a surface that the rest of us would go right through and his feet were able to stand and hold him on the surface of the sea...

number 3:

Jesus saved one else did...the bible doesn't tell us that the other disciples tried to save says peter called out for his Lord to save him...he was saved by the Son of God...when he was down and out, sinking to the bottom of the sea in the middle of a storm, and scared to death, Jesus reached down and picked him up and placed him where he needed to be...hand in hand with his Lord...

number 4:

peter and Jesus walked back to the boat...they had to get back there tells us in the bible, "when they got back to the boat" i just assume the walked...think about how cool it would be to walk hand in hand with Jesus on the water...peter didn't have to worry about sinking or failing, all he had to do was walk...and he walked on the water all the way back to the boat...

i have no idea why God led me to write this tonight...i had 3 other blogs that i was working on for everyone to does this work into Faith in Family...let me show you...

number 1:

over the past few weeks, if you have been like me, you have been challenged, afraid, dedicated, or maybe even disciplined to change your life and your families...if we are going to do it whole heartedly, we have to get out of the boat...

number 2:

over the past few weeks, if you have completed some of the challenges, you may have felt and seen some changes in you and your may be a new feeling just like that of what it would be like to walk on water...its somewhere we may have never been before...

number 3:

over the past few weeks, if you have completed any of the challenges, you are completely dependent on have had to ask Jesus to save have had to ask Jesus to save your have had to really depend on His hand and not our own...sometimes i think God puts us in a place where we have to depend on Him to help us get where we are going...

number 4:

you got are headed in the right direction hand in hand with God and your family is right there with you....


just think about it...i am...

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