Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Pick a verse, any verse..... Day 10

Day 10

i hope your "somebodies" day was cool for someone special...ours was really cool and weird for a little bit, until momma got accustomed to it...

i remember my uncle jim taking me to the athletic village in ada years ago....he would take me there frequently because he wanted to spoil me since i was his #1 buddy....i will never forget him opening that door and all those shoes on the wall in there...he would tell me to pick any shoe, and i would ask him how much did they have to be?  he would just smile and tell me to pick any pair of shoes i wanted...i would look them over and to this day, i still am very diligent in picking shoes out for me and my kiddos...i would try them on and see if they made me run faster or jump higher....i would pump up the new reebok pumps and stick my tongue out when i had on air jordans....yes, i know some of you did this point is, i had to find the ones that fit me perfectly and went with the clothes i had a the time...i had to find my size and my style....

when i thought about developing a program for families, i thought about my training and experience in the business world and how all companies have a mission statement that tells you what they stand for...

why don't we have a mission statement for our families?  how do our families know what we stand for?  how do others know what we stand for?


Find some verses that fit your family and what you stand for....maybe pick 3 or 4 and talk them over with your spouse and let your kids help you pick one for your whole family....

Challenge II:

Plaster it up at your house and let your kids be a part of it....maybe let them do some of the art work or help them with the project...

i promise there is some method to the say why would this be important?  why would this help bring a deeper faith to my family?

Colossians 3 says

"let the word of Christ dwell richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God."

2 Timothy says

"all scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness."

Psalm 119:11 says

"I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against God."

companies spend a ton of money trying to figure out their mission and vision Christians, we have a book full of mission and vision statements we can use to set our direction....if we are going to put faith back in the center of our homes, everyone in the house needs to know and understand the direction we are heading.....

let me know your thoughts...

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