Thursday, October 4, 2012

Setting our direction - Day 4

Day 4

someone once said "if you don't know where you are going, you will end up somewhere else."  there is much truth to that.  do you know that only a small percentage of the time, an airplane leaves the runway and stays on course the whole flight?

take a look at your own life and see how many different turns and changes it has been through.  we start off thinking we are going to do one thing and we end up doing another.

i started off thinking i would be a funeral director and now i am sitting here in front of a computer typing a blog about faith in family.....i never thought i would stand on stage and speak to hundreds of people on a regular basis, but God causes some crazy things to happen in our lives, even if we don't expect it...

i never thought i would be a divorced single dad, remarried, father of 4(sometimes 5), and starting a ministry based around faith in family....  God has some crazy plans for us whether we agree or not...

the only way to set our direction is with God and not on our own....

heres the task...tell me what the bible says about our roles in the family...the only way we can truly set our direction is if we know what our roles Day 1, you wrote what God commands us to do and on Day 2 you found out what your family expected of you...on Day 3, you committed to what you were going to change and today (Day 4) you are going to find out what God says your role should be....

write out your answer and show the verse if applicable....

What does the bible say about Husbands/Fathers/Men specifically?

What does the bible say about Wives/Mothers/Women specifically?

you might be wondering what all this has to do with putting God in the center of our can only make God the center of your home, when he is the center of your that you have found out what God says our roles are, you need to evaluate what you are going to do or set your will either do it as God says, or you won't...

if we would do what God commands us, our family expects of us, and understand the role God's given us, we might experience God like never our homes, our lives, and our churches....

i was sitting in Trinity Baptist Church one Sunday morning not really paying attention to what Rusty, our pastor, was saying towards the end of service....we were getting ready for the invitation and i was wondering what song Adam was going to sing....i tuned in long enough to hear one thing which God has hit me with over and over again, before me giving in to answer his call...

Rusty said,"as Christians we either don't believe there is a hell or we just don't care!"

let me know your thoughts....

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