Saturday, October 20, 2012

what is real Love? - Day 20

Day 20

i never knew real love until i was there for the birth of my first born son...i remember walking out of the delivery room and telling my dad i understood why he did what he did for me...i never had the feeling of unconditional love until i held him for the first parker grows up, it seems the more i love him and i love him in many different ways...when faith came into my life, i began to love in a whole different way...she was brought to me by God to love as a father is amazing the love i feel when she looks at me...i love watching her grow into an awesome young lady and the love i feel for her is undeniably true...that little girl is one of the greatest gifts God has ever given me to love...when ethan was born, i thought i had it all figured out about the dad thing...when i saw him for the first time, a whole new feeling of love came over me...i had been there and done this before...this time, i was able to really love him without fear of what i would do a father, i have learned to love beyond words...i will tell you, when we found out we were pregnant with emma, my love tank was full or so i thought...i wasn't too excited about another kiddo in the see, i felt my heart was already full of love for my would another child affect our would we afford another would we fit everyone into our house...

i am not proud of this time in my life...i learned a real good lesson from was not pretty seemed i could have enough love for what God had given me, just not enough for one more...then on August 14th, i saw the gift God had given me...Emma was born and i once again was able to open up my heart and love her with everything i have...God taught me real love is not what we just do, but we have the opportunity given by Him to do...

i felt like one of the disciples that rebuked the little children the people brought to see Jesus in Matthew 19...Jesus said to them...

"Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."

in 1 Corinthians, the bible tells us "and now these three remain: faith, hope, and love.  But the greatest of these is love."

how selfish could i have been...every morning when i wake up, i go and wake up emma...she, most every morning, meets me with a smile and a heart full of love for her daddy...i pick her up and she lays her head on my shoulder...i carry her into our room and lay down with her before we get ready...i am reminded what true love is every day i see her face...

when i am reminded of her face light up as i walk into her room, i wonder if God feels the same way when i walk into His presence...i wonder if God can see the love on my face...i wonder if we will ever know what real love is like...

our heavenly Father taught us what real love was all about on a hill called mt. calvary...he suffered and died for our sins...he loved us so much he was willing to give it all...he did what he was called to do...come to earth and die on a cross for you and for me...


Write down what you love about each of the people in your home and why...


Tell them about it...let them know what you love about them...

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