Tuesday, October 30, 2012

The Beginning or The End - Day 30

Day 30

You are done with your family action plan.  You are done and today I just want you to reflect on the past 30 days.  I want you to remember the feelings you had as you held your children, you saw your spouse walking down the aisle, any commitments you have made in life, and any brutally honest feelings you have in your heart when it comes to serving God.

I remember the first time I held each of my children.  Each one them looked at me and their mother as we held them in our arms and they knew.  You could see the peace that would come over them as we picked them up.  As they have gotten older, that hasn't changed.  They still come to us for comfort.  They still need us to pick them up and hold them for a broken arm.  They may need to tell us a story for 30 minutes at a time.  They may need us to sign their homework or change their diaper.  They may need to come over and eat because they don't have enough money to get by until payday.  They may need to ask us about our mortgage rate or how to fix a pilot light on the hot water heater that keeps going out.  (Yes, I am speaking from experience.)

I remember watching Heather and Faith walk down the aisle as Parker and I were waiting to join them in marriage.  I was scared and happy all at the same time.  Our lives would forever be different.  Going into our relationship, it was evident we would have some obstacles to overcome.  We were blending 2 families together.  We had our different ways of doing things as single parents and our ways were right.  Our kids were accustomed to a specific way of life.  It was amazing how God brought us together and when we thought it was too much at times, God held us together.  Even when we thought it was all our doing, it was really His.

I remember telling our families Heather and I were having a baby.  That would be 3 kids total.  Everyone was just as happy as they could be.  Ethan would be the final chapter in our relationship before raising our family.  Then when the Emma bomb fell, once again, God had different plans.  I was scared.  I didn't know how.  I didn't know why.  I didn't know what we would do.  God was doing what he does.  His choices for us were already made.  4 kids are what He felt we needed.  Whether we thought so or not.

Well, God thought 5 kids would be better.  In the past few months, God has laid it on our hearts to be parents for someone else when we can.  Due to circumstances beyond our control, God has saw us fit to add another child to the mix.  If only for a few days a week, we have a responsibility to do what we can to provide stability in this child's life.

I remember 33 days ago when I made the commitment to start a blog over Faith and Family.  I didn't know how.   I didn't know when.  I really didn't even know why.  The only thing I did know, God wanted me too.  I will be the first to tell you I was scared every time I sat down at my computer.  I was also scared when I saw several of you face to face.  I didn't know how the blog would be taken or if it would be beneficial to anyone.  I felt a sense of accountability from the blog.  Things that would be a normal occurrence in my life, have became less important.  I understand people are watching me and the way I live my life.  Most importantly, I am aware of my kids watching me.  They are making their future plans on how we raise them right now.  You may think they aren't but they are.  I also understand my wife needs me to be the husband and father God has called me to be.

I want to be completely honest with you.  I had to make a choice to be a Christian Husband/Father.  It wasn't easy.  It sucks working to make the right decisions all the time.  It is devastating when you fail.  It's uncomfortable leading your family the way Jesus would have you to.  In no way am I an expert on raising a family or a theologian, I am just doing what I feel God has called me to do.  I honestly just want the opportunity to speak about what God is doing in our family and hopefully it will help someone else do what God has called them to do.  I want the chance to start a ministry for the family to get information and ideas to put God 1st in their lives and home.

What is the cost of your family?  How much would they be worth?  Is your family worth seeing when you get to heaven?

Let me tell you what the cost is....It has been paid...Jesus died for you and your family.  He paid the price and all we have to do is choose to follow Him....

It's your choice.  You are either IN or OUT...  It's your choice.

Joshua 24:15

"But if serving the Lord is undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But for me and my house we will serve the Lord."

Last Challenge:

I need your feedback.  I need to honestly know what you have thought about this blog and the material and challenges in each day.  I don't care if you read one day or all days.  I need your feedback.

Please email me @ justinpresley1977@gmail.com and tell me your thoughts or just comment on the blog....

justin presley

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