Thursday, October 11, 2012

Find the good, it's there... - Day 11

Day 11 - Finding the good...

i guess i have to say, we have been blessed with healthy children and they haven't had too many can imagine when our youngest son broke his arm, we were mortified...we ended up at children's hospital in okc with several other mortified parents...Ethan had a broken arm right above his elbow and the break was bad enough for specialists to look at it...of course his mother and i were very upset for his pain and thinking about the fact that he may not be able to throw a ball hard and fast like i expect him too and we kept asking the dr.'s about long term affects...we kept on focusing on the bad and worse case scenarios for our son...on the way to the hospital, we barely talked about it just because we were so scared and upset because our little boy had a broken bone....after waiting in the e.r. lobby for over 4 hours, God began to speak so loud it was unbearable and overwhelming to the point of feeling blessed and finding the good...

a young mother set down next to us and began to explain her baby was shaking because she was having seizures and the neurologists could not figure out why she would do this...she went on to explain she had holes in her heart and when she would have these seizures, she would lose blood and they were frequent flyers to the children's e.r....i heard parents and teammates talk about young athletes that may not be able to walk again....i saw family and friends waiting to hear just one positive word from dr.'s concerning a car wreck...heather and i were able to hold our son and comfort his tears and protect him while all this was going on around us...

you say, how did you find the good?

i got to know my son on a real level of protection and love because he wanted his daddy to be there and not to leave because the biggest and safest man he knew was there to protect him...i got to laugh with my son and find out he really has my sense of humor and heather and i were able to take away the pain if only for a moment....i got to witness a mother love her son and see how a mother's kiss makes it all better...God began to speak like never before about the importance of finding the good in all situations....God used my sons broken arm to minister to not only heather and i, but everyone we came into contact with...Ethan brought a smile to their face too...

you may be going through some tough times the seem unbearable, but i can guarantee there is someone out there who has it worse...


Find 10 "good" things about your current family situation....

Write them down and share them with your family......

Proverbs 11:27 tells us

"whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it."

Philippians 4:11 tells us

"i am not saying this because i am in need, for i have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. i know what it is to be in need, and i know what it is to have plenty.  i have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want.  i can do all thing through Him who gives me strength."

let me know your thoughts.....

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