Sunday, October 7, 2012

Go, get it done, and have some fun!!! - Day 7

Day 7

hopefully you are heading to church or spending time in the is the day of may be scary for some of us and our families may look at us like we are crazy, but it is the beginning of a new day for all of us and we have a great opportunity to change our lives and the lives of our family....

i remember years ago, during the Switzer era of OU football, my dad telling me we were going to an OU football game...i don't remember the conversation on the way to the game, but i do remember parking by the softball fields and walking a long long way....i will never forget my dad placing his hand on my shoulder and telling me to stay close because there will be a ton of people here today...i remember sitting almost at the top of the end-zone under the big screen...i dont remember anything about the game or who won or lost, but i remember snuggling up to my father under a poncho to stay warm and wanting to leave but wanting to stay because i was so close to him...he bought me a hotdog and a shirt and a pop and it was a memory that i will never forget...

now that i am a husband and father, i know from experience my wife and kids love when i am intentional about spending time with them...i want them to know how it feels to be special and important even if they want to leave because they are cold....

what are you going to do today to make a memory?


do something intentional with your family or the ones you love the may be cold, so figure something out....turn off the TV....get to know the people you live with better today....

Challenge 2:

tell us about it...this information will be used to create action plans for families attending the Faith in Family conference in the near also might inspire some other family to do what you have done....


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