Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Pray day - Day 23

Day 23

i never thought this blog would be received by so many people...as of today, there are 1751 views of the blog last week...this blog has been viewed in 4 different countries other than the U.S...Russia, India, Germany, France....please continue to share the link with your friends and family...

i would like to take today and go back and just review the decisions and commitments you have made to God...

on Sunday in church, our pastor spoke about prayer...God created us to have intimacy with him...becoming a Godly husband/father or wife/mother doesn't just happen because we want it...it happens because we continually seek God's guidance as we move forward...

prayer is when we turn the focus off of us and focus on God...it's funny how we think about God when bad things happen or someone dies...we seem to forget about prayer for the good things...i know as i committed to  write this blog for 30 days, i could not do it if i wasn't constantly talking to God and paying attention to His plan as i move forward every day...and just so you know, praying is very uncomfortable at first, but it does get easier...

please take the time to do this...


Look back over all the choices, decisions, and commitments you have made over the past 3 weeks and pray about them...

Pray for every family member in your home...make it specific and open up your heart to express your feeling about each one of them...

Pray for God to lead you in the direction He needs you and your family to go...

Pray for people in your life that need God...

thank you for being a part of this process to see what God can do in our families...please forward this to whomever you feel would need it...


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