Monday, October 29, 2012

Finishing Touches - Day 29

Day 29

After our family fun day, I am wore out.  Somehow we ended up at the Byng Track playing kickball in the grass.  I think the kids had some serious fun.  Of course, Parker and I just slaughtered the girls.  It is funny how God works.  It seems like more and more everyday I am learning how to enjoy my family.  We laughed and had so much fun today.  It didn't cost anything.  It was just making the decision to go and do.

Several times I have gotten to this point working with groups and organizations.  This is the point where the rubber meets the road.  You have worked so hard to get your family action plan set up.  Hopefully, you have had input from your family and you are seeing changes start to happen.  I am not just talking about changes in your family, but a greater awareness in you.

The changes and awareness you may be experiencing are how we can measure the success of your plan.  You see every objective needs to be measured.  Some of them can be measured in days.  Some of them may be measured indefinitely.  Some of them may be measured just by being an ongoing activity your family will continue to do.

To many times, and I have experienced this first hand, we get a plan and work out all the details only to have everything fall through the cracks because we don't have any way of measuring how successful we were as we start working.

So far we have:
  1. Set the objectives
  2. Identified the initiatives needed in order to complete the task.
  3. Combined initiatives that were overlapping.

Now we are moving on to the final steps.  Measures and Time Frame.  Everything needs to have some type of time frame for a start and an end.  If you have objectives that will be started immediately, use the date you start.  Some of your objectives may be ongoing or only for a few months and thats fine, just make sure you give yourself enough time to complete your tasks.  I will show you what this looks like with my examples.

As you identify the time frame, you can also set the measurement.  Measurement are easy for the most part.  The only reason for them is to make sure what we are doing has a positive affect on what we are trying to accomplish.  Do not get hung up on the measurements if they throw you for a loop.  I will show you what this looks like in my examples.

Section 3: Step 1

Take your papers out again.  This is for the last time for anything I am guiding you through.  Once you are ready you will begin to go through your objectives and initiatives putting a time frame and measurement on them if possible.  The time frame could be days, months, and even TBD (to be determined).  The measurements could be completion of the task or even it could be ongoing growth.

Here are some examples:

Objective 1: Church member at Trinity Baptist

  • Always make time to attend as a family
  • Begin 10-28-12 End Indefinitely(Timeframe)
  • Attending anytime we are together(Measurement)
  1. Making sure we are always together on Sunday morning - Sacrifice
  2. Commit as a family to attending together and teach our children the importance of this. - Commitment
  3. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

  • Continue to help out with the kids activities at church
  • Started 8-21-12 Ending 5-29-13(Timeframe)
  • Attending church and teaching(measurement)
  1. Being available with our schedules and possible baby sitting arrangements. - Sacrifice
  2. Commit to the Youth Minister we are available to help and explain to our kids why we want to be there. - Commitment
  3. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

What We Need To Do Better:

Objective 1: Family Devotions

  • Decide how many days a week we want to do them.
  • Begin 10-29-12 End 4-29-13(Timeframe)
  • Completing one per week for 6 months(Measurement)
  1. Identify which day is best for us and the devotion we will use. - Sacrifice

  • Find by 11-12(Timeframe)
  • Start devotions(Measurement)
  1. Commit to 1 day a week. - Commitment
  2. Mom and Dad - Responsibility

    I hope this is easy enough to understand.  It is just going the extra mile to assure success on the objectives you have set.

    Once you get all the timeframes and Measurements in place, take the time to go through and make sure it all is going to work.  Some of your timeframes may be a little extreme or they may be too lax.  You just have to decide how committed you are to the process.

    You may be asking yourself why this step is even important.  If you really study the word, there are several timeframes and measurements that were made in order for everything to work properly.  Ultimately, Christ's measurement of the grave was He would be raised again in 3 days.  If this would not have happened, it would not be worth the time we have invested in this program.  However, he did do what he said he was going to do.  He is alive.  He is wanting to be number 1 in your life and your families life.

    I hope you choose to do what he has called us to do.......

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