Thursday, October 25, 2012

What's the Plan? - Day 25

Day 25

companies spend millions of dollars for consultants or individuals to come into their organization and help them get a plan...i have spent some time doing this and wondered why i needed to be learning these tools and techniques...when i started putting God in the center of my family and getting a plan on how we can continually work towards the plan God has for us, i soon realized why i was learning all this information...i can also tell you, companies and organizations that have a solid plan, generally are more likely to be successful...i don't know why we haven't thought of this before...getting a plan for our family...

i have worked with several groups of people at different businesses to set up a strategic seems, in most cases, we make the process harder than it has to be...we over think things, we come up with crazy ideas, and we think we are right in all doesn't work too well that way...

i worked with one group not too long ago with my buddy Matt and the group continued to try and come up with this very wordy and very deep mission statement...then all of a sudden, it came to them...3 words...very simple...very easy...and very direct...

as we go through this process, please make this as easy as possible...if you have been working these challenges, you will have the information you need...if not, you can come up with information as you need it...

when you are setting up an action plan for any group, you must first know what the MISSION is for the organization...everything you do in your action plan, must tie back into the MISSION of the organization you are working for...

in our case, we are working for the Lord...whats the mission of Christians?

Jesus left us here so we can bring others to a saving knowledge of Christ...Glorifying God in all things...fulfilling the Great Commission...Worship him daily...the list goes on and on...

2 Corinthians 5: 20

"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us.  We implore you on Christ's behalf: be reconciled to God."

anything we come up with for our action plan needs to tie back into Christ's overall spending an eternity with him...

time to get started...this portion of the plan needs to be completed with both husband and wife...i challenge you to work together through this and make sure you are open and honest with one another as you move through the first step of the action plan...

in Day 1, you were asked to look and find what key principles God calls us to do...
in Day 2, you were asked to find out the expectations of everyone in our family and talk about it
in Day 3, you committed to the ideas and goals you were going to commit to do from that day forward
in Day 4, you were asked to look at your specific role in the family unit

taking that information you will complete the first section of your family plan...some of this information should be found in Day 8...

Section 1:

Have 3 different pieces of paper.  You need to put titles at the top of each paper...

1.  Things we do good naturally


  • we laugh and have fun
  • we like to get together with family
  • we enjoy time together
  • we love to go to church
  • we are good at talking to our kids about church

2.  Things we need to work on


  • we need to work on being more open with our kids about God
  • we need to spend more time in the Word
  • we need to build relationships with our family members, parents,each other, etc...
  • we need to set some rules in our home
  • we need to define what everyones roles are

3.  Things we want to do & already are doing


  • we want to spend one night in a bible study
  • we want to work as a family on a mission for our home
  • we want to start a weekly family night
  • we want to pray with our children daily
  • we want to involve our kids in a project to teach them to love people

Make sure all the answers you think about are written down.  There are no right or wrong answers to this part of the action plan.  Once you write down all the answers you can think of, start rating them in order of importance.  There are a couple of things you can do to accomplish this.  You can give each member of the family, if they are old enough, so many votes to put next to the ideas they think are most important.  If there are not enough of you participating, just look at each answer you have written down and pick the top 3 to 5 in each category.  Once you identify the top 3 to 5 in all 3 categories, you are finished until we move on...

these will become your family action items.  as we work through this, we will make sure everything comes back to these core ideas you have came up with.  

Over the next few days, we will finish out the rest of the plan...

as you work through this, any problems you have, feel free to email me and i will be happy to help you out...

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