Saturday, October 6, 2012

What's your CHOICE? - Day 6

Day 6

i have stood more times than i can remember on the toy action figure aisle at wal-mart waiting on a choice of the green power ranger or the blue power ranger only to go and get a bouncy ball...then we go to the lip gloss aisle debating on 3 different shades of pink only to get a creamy white with glitter...

several of you have been there sitting at dinner and the person you are with can't decide between the special or a pasta dish they have wanted to try every time you have set down to eat here...the waiter comes to the table and they choose the very same thing they chose the last time...

life is about choices...some we make right and some we make wrong...

over the past 5 days, you have made some choices to change and become who you should be in God...

Day 1 - you chose to look at the blog and figure out what God commands us to do

Day 2 - you chose to talk to your family and get their expectations

Day 3 - you chose to make a commitment to change

Day 4 - you chose to set your direction

Day 5 - you chose to count the cost


Joshua 24:15
"But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, whether the gods our ancestors served beyond the Euphrates, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land you are living.  But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord."

i am in no way a scholar on biblical interpretation, but i would like to say this how i would write it...maybe in our language...

"if serving God is to hard, uncomfortable, scary, or not COOL, then you gotta choose who you are going to serve right now because you are going to have to, it doesn't matter if you choose the gods your parents supposedly worship or those other people you based everything you believe on, or the gods of everyone else in the world like fortune, sex, notoriety, pride, others expectations, or anything that is in front of God.  Or you can take a stand right now and declare from the depths of your heart and let the whole world know, my family will serve the Lord and I will lead them every step of the way until I can teach them how to serve on their own....."

in the movie Shawshank Redemption, there comes a pivotal moment when one of the main characters, Red, make a statement...."it's time to get busy living or get busy dying!"

heres the challenge:

say a prayer right now, not later or when you get a chance, but right now and make a choice.....

this could be the first time for us, we have really ever talked to Jesus about this....i mean really talked to him...just do it and see what God can do....

next challenge:

once you have prayed, go to the day 6 post on Facebook and "like" the post so everyone else who reads this far and decides to do as we have, can pray for us and we can pay for them....  if you don't feel cool about that, then don't... but i think we need to lift up one another's families and each other in prayer every chance we get...

"like" it if you want to...  either way, say a prayer for all of our families..

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