Wednesday, May 14, 2014

War Zone Everyday......

This morning as I drove to work, I happened to receive an update on a post from last night on Facebook.  As I glanced at it, something caught my eye.  Something that has hit me at the core of who I am.  The post simply read, "Pray for Byng Schools..."  When I got to the office, I sat in my car and cried as I read about my children's school being the topic of a possible attack.  I immediately called my home to see if anyone was able to talk.  As my son answered, I told him I loved him.  I told him to be aware of anything out of the ordinary.  I told him to pray for protection today and I was praying for him too.  I told him to pay attention and if there were people at the school who weren't normally there to make sure and tell someone....

I asked to talk to his sister and she had already headed out the door and I didn't get to talk to her.  Then, in the stillness of the parking lot with my car running, I prayed.  I prayed for my children.  I prayed for all the students.  I prayed for my children's teachers.  I prayed for the kids who wrote such horrific posts on social media pages.

When I was talking to my son, I felt as if I was sending him into battle...I thought that today he could be fighting for his life or someone else's.  I had thoughts of total desperation of what may happen based on threats....

Then God said, "Why are you only worried about today? Why are you only worried about the worst case scenario?  "Are they ready?"


We are sending our kids into battle each and every day.  We send them into a place of beauty and darkness.  We must be more active in prayer daily for our children.  I don't think we understand our children are learning more about "sex, drugs, and rock and roll" at an earlier age than we ever did.  There are kids all around the state who are experimenting with sex and drugs at earlier and earlier ages.....

We send our kids into a war zone of peer pressure and bullying.  We send our kids into a war zone where their faith may be put to the test.  We send our kids into war every day.....

The questions on my heart are.......

Are my children equipped to handle the war they are in?
Have I done all I could do to make sure when the battle begins they can fight?
Have I made sure they know I love them?
Have I taught them who God is by my actions?
Am I ready for the war they are in?

The fact is, today should be an eye opening experience for all of us.....

What are you going to do now?

Justin Presley

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