Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Little Girls and Daddy's.....

When I saw her at 4 months old, I thought she was the chubbiest baby I had ever seen.  She had cute chubby cheeks and rubber banded chubby legs and was very attached to her momma.  I never knew she would change my life forever.  As I sat in the judges chambers, around a year and a half later, I will never forget the moment she became mine.  The judge asked her who her daddy was and she looked at me and pointed to my chest as she sat on my lap.  The judge and I signed the paperwork and my wife, daughter, and I went home.

Since that day, I have learned so much about being a daddy to a little girl.  You see up to that day, I only had a son.  Boys and girls are way different.  I didn't know she wouldn't get up after falling just because I told her too.  I didn't know she wouldn't quit crying if I raised my voice, it only made it worse.  I didn't know when you changed a diaper, girls have a lot to get completely clean.  I didn't know she would tear up at the drop of a hat when I got angry.  I didn't know girls have their own way of doing things.  I didn't know how to play with dolls and babies, but I learned.  I didn't know wrestling would scare her.  I didn't know she would love it when I told her how beautiful she is.  I didn't know I would have to treat her different than my son.

I didn't know I could love her like I do.....

This past weekend, we had a special time together.  We were able to attend the Daddy/Daughter dance.  It was the first year for me to get to take her.  Last year, due to circumstances out of my control, I was unable to go.  She was devastated and I was too.  This year, I was determined to make it the best ever.  For Christmas, I picked out a dress to give her to wear to the dance and I knew exactly what I would wear to match her dress.  I bought her some high heels to wear even though her momma thought I was crazy.  I wanted to make the night as awesome as it could be for her.

When I walked into the door to get ready for the dance, she was standing there in her dress.  She looked at me and I could tell she was needing me to tell her how beautiful she was.  Her hair was curled like she was going to the prom.  A new necklace hung from her neck.  Her dress hung seamlessly below her knees as she stood with her legs slightly crossed waiting for my approval.  I looked at her and saw the little chubby girl I met 7 and a half year ago.  I was amazed at her slender shaped face and long slender legs.  I saw a young woman standing before me waiting on her daddy to tell her she was beautiful.

After I got ready, I asked her if she needed a wristlet bouquet to make her outfit final.  She gasped and a huge smile went all over her face as she said yes.  As we drove to the dance, the excitement was building.  She was ready to get there.  She was ready to see her friends.  She was ready to dance and have fun.  The next 3 hours, I learned a lot about little girls and daddy's.

1.  Little girls want to fall in love with their daddy's first.

2.  Little girls just want you to dance with them.  They don't care if you feel goofy.

3.  Little girls love to scream.  And scream.

4.  Little girls don't understand why you won't dance with them.

5.  Little girls are waiting for someone to dance with them.

6.  Little girls will expect other men to love them and treat them the way you do daddy.

7.  Little girls love it when you tell them they are beautiful over and over and over again.

8.  Little girls grow up to be women.

9.  Little girls need you to be there dancing with them.

10.  My daughter needs a good example of what a man is suppose to be...

My daughter came up to me after we danced to the cupid shuffle, chicken dance, YMCA, and other songs with her hand stretched out.  She had requested a song for us to dance too...As I held her in my arms, these are the words that were playing and they ring true...I stood amazed that my 8 year old daughter would teach me so much in one night about being a daddy......

She spins and she sways to whatever song plays
Without a care in the world
And I'm sitting here wearing the weight of the world on my shoulders
It's been a long day and there's still work to do
She's pulling at me saying "Dad I need you!
There's a ball at the castle and I've been invited
and I need to practice my dancin'
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

She says he's a nice guy and I'd be impressed
She wants to know if I approve of the dress
She says, "Dad, the prom is just one week away
And I need to practice my dancin'
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

But she came home today with a ring on her hand
Just glowing and telling us all they had planned
She says, "Dad, the wedding's still six months away but I need to practice my dancin'
Oh please, Daddy, please!"

So I will dance with Cinderella
While she is here in my arms
'Cause I know something the prince never knew
Oh I will dance with Cinderella
I don't want to miss even one song
'Cause all too soon the clock will strike midnight
And she'll be gone

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