Thursday, December 19, 2013

"Your doing the right thing."

You ever wonder if what you are doing is the right thing? We are in the Christmas season and we often wonder if we got the right gift or if they will even like the gift we bought.  We wait in antcipation as our loved ones open the gifts wrapped in pretty paper and ribbons.  We wait to see the look on their faces as the gift we bought specifically for them is finally shown.  Then we all sit around and talk about how thankful we are that we have so much and how God has blessed us and our family's.  We even pray that God will continue to bless our families....

You ever wonder if you are doing the right thing?  We are in the Christmas season and we often give of our blessings to others.  You get your angel tree kid or you find a group at church that is sponsoring a child or family.  When you are doing your Christmas shopping you grab an extra toy or give money so someone else can go buy it for you.  Then you question if the children will really get the gift or clothes.  We have even went as far as to take the tags out, so those mean and terrible parents can't take them back and get the money or exchange them....

You ever wonder if you are doing the right thing?  We are in the Christmas season and we often spend more time shopping and getting ready for the thrill of opening presents on Christmas morning than we do focusing on what this season really is.  We give Jesus a prayer and some time on the Sunday we celebrate Christmas at church.  We typically show up in our new clothes and new shoes to let everyone know what we got for Christmas.  I am talking to myself too, folks....

You ever wonder if you are doing the right thing?  We are in the Christmas season and we often forget we can give a gift of life rather than a gift of food, clothes, money, or toys.  What if your family opened up presents from you that had a piece of paper in it that read, "DO YOU KNOW JESUS?  I LOVE YOU AND WOULD LIKE TO INTRODUCE YOU TO HIM."  Or would that be too uncomfortable?  Would that be too weird?  Would that be asking too much of us as Christians?

The reason I ask this is because I spent 7 days in Honduras wondering if I did the riight thing.  I wondered from the day I left if I was supposed to be there.  I wondered what I was suppose to see.  I wondered what God had for me in that country.  I am not going to lie, I spent most of the week in Honduras upset because humans didn't care and don't care about what is going on in that country.  I spent most of the week mad because we(CHRISTIANS) say that we love God but don't show His love to the least of these.  I spent most of the week humbled and crying because I felt guilty for everything I had. I can tell you I learned so much about what God needs us to do as Christians, but the real lesson I learned was waiting for me when I returned to my house with my family.  

As I unpacked my suit case, my oldest daughter asked me if I had read her note while I was gone.  I guess she had stuck is way down in the bottom of my suitcase and I never even saw it.  I told her I had not seen the note and I would look for it right then.  As I dug through the dirty clothes and smelled Honduras and sweat all over again, I found a note folded up like it should fit into a bottle.  As I unfolded it, it read:

Then I saw what I was looking for....As I folded the note back up and was going to tell her how much I loved her, I saw it.....

I stood there with tears in my eyes as I read this to my wife and we both just sat with our questions ansered and minds open.  A lesson I had to learn after traveling thousands of miles was taught by my daughter the day I got home.

As adults we wonder if we are doing the right thing.  We wonder about how we should or shouldn't do things....

My 8 year old daughter taught me that when you trust God and follow His lead, "Your doing the right thing."

Being a Christian is not about questioning God....It is about the action of love.  If the Holy Spirit leads you to do something today, don't wait....don't question....just love....without hesitation....

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10 ESV)


  1. Loving you brother, keep on keeping on and let God use your talents in mighty ways, they sure encourage me

  2. God always gets you to where you should be. :)
