Monday, July 22, 2013


As I sat in church today, I didn't realize how thirsty I was.  Not in the physical way, but a spiritual way.  I was challenged by the youth of our church which had just returned from Falls Creek.  The theme was "THIRST", and they spoke about how they were drinking from wells that would never fulfill their thirst and only God can quench that desire.  

I figure many of you are just like me when it comes to comparing ourselves to the woman at the well.  Many of us are or were just like her.  Living in sin and just going from well to well to find what we think will quench our thirst.

I started thinking about all the wells in our lives we are trying to quench our thirst...

Wealth - Fame - Desire - Children - Lust - Friends - Acceptance - Addiction - Rage - Baseball -  Basketball - Work - Reputation - Cars - Mortgage - Exercise - Vanity - Food - Family - Facebook - Twitter - Instagram - Love - Sex - Pornography - Material Things -

I began to think about how much time we spend trying to quench our thirst at other wells?  

I wonder why many of us Christians spend time judging people who are standing at the same well we are?  

I wonder why we think can even quench our thirst on our own? 
I wonder what it will take for us to get serious about drinking from the well that will never run dry?

John 4:13-14 says

"Jesus answered,"Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst.  Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water willing up to eternal life."

I, just like many of you reading this, have spent many wasted hours of my life sitting at a well thinking I  could find what I was desiring.  I chased dreams I dreamed up all on my own.  I even fell in love with some of those wells and spent so much time there nothing else mattered.  I have desired some of the wells so much, they became idols to me without me even knowing.  When I look at the list above, I am guilty of spending wasted time and effort trying to quench my thirst at those wells.  

It really is gut wrenching when you think about it.  We go and stand at other wells, wells that do not have living water, and look God in the face and tell him, "You aren't enough..."

Hard to think about it that way.  

We even in the midst of drinking from those wells, say to ourselves, "I am forgiven..."  I will talk to God about it later....

I know none of you have ever thought that...just me...

What will it take?  How many more wells will we dig or try to find?

Today as I rode my bike, this song came on by Casting Crowns.....

Come to the Well...

I have what you need, 
But you keep on searchin, 
I've done all the work, 
But you keep on workin, 
When you're runnin on empty, 
And you can't find the remedy, 
Just come to the well.

You can spend your whole life, 
Chasin what's missing, 
But that empty inside, 
It just ain't gonna listen.
When nothing can satisfy, 
And the world leaves you high and dry, 
Just come to the well

And all who thirst will thirst no more, 
And all who search will find what their souls long for, 
The world will try, but it can never fill, 
So leave it all behind, and come to the well

So bring me your heart
No matter how broken, 
Just come as you are, 
When your last prayer is spoken, 
Just rest in my arms a while, 
You'll feel the change my child, 
When you come to the well

Leave it all behind
The world will try, but it can never fill... leave it all behind

And now that you're full, 
Of love beyond measure, 
Your joy's gonna flow, 
Like a stream in the desert, 
Soon all the world will see that living water is found in me, 
Cuz you came to the well

1.  Write down the wells in your life?

2.  Compare them to Jesus....

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