Saturday, April 4, 2015

Unhealthy Churches or People??????

Today, I had the privilege of being part of the "capital C" CHURCH....It was a very surreal experience.  God taught me a lesson that will ever be etched in my heart.  As my wife and I headed to a very special place hidden away behind iron bars and doors locked with electronic keys, I prayed God would open my heart to be used the way He would need.  I prayed God would help me talk to young people who have been through more in their short lives than most of us will ever go through in a lifetime.  I prayed God would use me to reach these young people, to let them know there was a group of men and women who love them, who pray for them, and who will be what the bible says a "Christian should be"....

Little did I know, God had other plans in mind....

As I stood before young men and women, I poured out my heart.  I shared why I believe God is the one true God.  I told them what Jesus did for us on the cross.  I told them about being arrested and how God used that experience to change my life.  I showed them tattoos I have to symbolize the experiences I have had.  I told them how there were 2 others hanging on crosses beside Jesus.....One of which we assume didn't make it, One we know would be with Jesus in paradise.....I stood before young men and women who are in a different world than most of you reading this could ever imagine.  You are probably thinking, "here he goes again....telling me how bad everyone else has it...."

I am glad you are thinking this way....Please continue to read....

As we ended our time together, my prayer over the group was a prayer of heartache and mercy for the kids and staff.  It was a prayer for guidance and the mighty hand of God to protect this group.  When we finished praying, all of the group said amen together...

I walked over to the administrator in charge and explained how, as a non-profit, we would like to help with shoes and hoodies for each and every child in their care.  I told her to forward anyone who wanted to donate moneys to their program our way and we would make sure they got what they needed....

Then it happened....

I was told of a church wanting to help provide items for the young men and women...As we spoke back and forth, God opened my heart by what was said next.....

"We would like to get this group healthy enough to get them all to church."

I felt the Holy Spirit open my heart and mouth at the same time when I replied.....

"We need to get the church healthy enough to come out here."

If you are reading this blog, you may very well be reading it on Easter morning....the very day we as Christians should celebrate our existence.

Why have we allowed ourselves to be programmed into thinking we have to get healthy before we can come to church to hear what God has for us???

Why have we programmed the world we live in, you have to be healthy before they can set foot in our  doors???

I have been thinking about this all day long...

Jesus gives us an example of what the Church is supposed to look like...What I read in my bible, shows me Jesus went where the people were....

All of His 12 disciples were chosen....asked personally be Jesus...the records I see show a Savior going out and finding fishers of men...are we doing that?

Look at how Jesus' at the age of 12-13 was in the temple talking to the priests...He went to them...are we doing that?

Look at the Samaritan woman, she was not who he should have been hanging out with all by himself, but he went through Samaria just to have an intentional meeting at the well....are we doing that?

Look at when people were healed of blindness, leprocy, lameness, or death....All show a Savior who went to people who needed what only He has...are we doing that?

Look at when he taught His disciples lessons on the sea, he went to them, walking on the water....Just to save Peter as he sank and teach them lesson after lesson...are we doing that?

He didn't sit in a sanctuary with high tech videography, awesome music, great speakers, and a program taught out of the next best book that some of the worlds best theologian has written(I love it too)....are we doing that?

He went and did what He was called to do....When it was all said and done, He even carried His own cross to His own death...

After he was risen from the grave, He still was on the move...talking and sharing what He had with everyone around Him...

I'm not knocking the church I attend or any other church in general....I am knocking the lack of willingness and the programming we have allowed ourselves to become subjected busy, to hard, need some time to myself, need some time for my family....all excuses I have used too....

It's Easter....What are you going to do about it?

Maybe, as a church, we should get healthy and go find the unhealthy and share what only God has....

I know as for me and my family, we will serve the Lord....

Justin Presley

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