Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Grandma's and Food Boxes....

When I started In or Out Faith Ministries, Inc., I didn't have a clue what I was doing or even why I was doing it.  I had little to no experience with raising money or getting volunteers to help with a cause they may or may not believe in.  I hate to admit it, but I had no idea where to even start...

2 years later, I am still in the same place at times.  I just know how to hide it better now.  I still hope people will support the cause and people will somehow, in someway, see God in what we are doing.  It doesn't matter if its a pair of shoes or a food box, it is my hope and prayer that God will get the glory.

This week we are preparing 425 food boxes in the Ada and Seminole area for children on the Back Pack program supported by their local schools.  These children have been identified by their teachers or school officials as needing extra food for different reasons based on conversations or just observing them eat in the lunch room and noticing them getting seconds and thirds or even asking to take food home after school.

Today, I was taught a lesson by God in a huge way....I am overwhelmed by His ability to make everything work out the way its supposed too.  As I stood in the Ada 1st Free Will Baptist Family Life Center looking at all the food to be packed, I wondered who was going to show up.  Who would be here to help out?  How many people will be here to make sure this all gets done?  I hope everything goes like its supposed to.  I hope I can control all the steps it takes to get this done.  What's the best way to make this work?  How can we do this the easiest way possible?

All these questions with no immediate answers....

Then it happened, my Grandparents walked in....just a few weeks ago my "Granna" had a cancerous mass removed from her colon and is starting radiation/chemo treatments this week.  Watching my Granna walk down the assembly line in front of my "Petepa" placing item after item in the food boxes, it hit me, God is in control.  If she can take the time to not worry about herself and all the issues in her immediate future, I can trust God to pack these boxes.

As person after person walked in and started taking their place in the process, I saw the whole body of Christ working together to do something bigger than themselves.  I stood in the doorway of the gym and watched individuals working to get community service hours to take care of legal issues working along side a pastor.  I saw fathers and daughters standing side by side packing boxes with food items and drinks.  I watched a mom and her children working together to make sure each item was packed perfectly.  Brothers working beside one another to make sure cheese and crackers made it into every box.  Teachers, Nurses, and Insurance Agents carrying boxes to a trailer.  Newly appointed Executive Officers and Administrators counting boxes to make sure we had exactly 301.  I watched as my own daughter and another workers daughter worked together to pull one box from station to station.  I saw young boys and college students breaking down boxes and carrying them outside to the trailer trip after trip.  My heart smiled as I watched my oldest son come to me and ask what he could do.  Then I saw my youngest son running tirelessly delivering boxes to be broken down.  Standing there overwhelmed by Gods amazing ability to use any and all of us to do His work, I watched up to 4 generations of people working selflessly to feed kids they don't even know.

I honestly believe UNITY in the body of Christ will change this community....As I set here and read 1 Corinthians 12, there's not a denomination mentioned or any religious organization said to be the chosen few.  It does say, "we were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body".....thanks to everyone who did that tonight....I was able to witness all the different parts working together to form ONE BODY....

One of the biggest lessons I have learned by having this ministry is, when we ALL work together more is accomplished.  When we put others ahead of ourselves, we are doing what God has called us to do.  When we make intentional efforts to put God first, we are responding to His call on our lives...

As I got in my truck to leave the church tonight, my emotions got the best of me and I couldn't keep the tears of joy in any longer....GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME AND ALL THE TIME GOD IS GOOD....

It is always amazing how God works...He used my grandmother and food boxes to show me what it means to let go and trust His ways are not our ways....